Burning Man 1997 | Villages and Burning Man
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What is a Village?
Excerpt from The Year of Community--You are a Founder
by Larry Harvey
The concept of a village spontaneously emerges from the experience of Burning Man. Typically, several camps co-locate and evolve a social life together. Residents of these communal groupings often develop strong friendships and make future plans to live together during the event.
A village is not merely a theme camp. It is a micro-model of community within the macrocosmic whole of Burning Man. Its structure is in many ways analogous to that of our greater city. The following section details plans for the "Blue Light District," a proposed village at this year's event. It forms a useful model for the planning of any village. Eric Pouyoul provided this description of the Blue Light Village to Building Burning Man. Further information concerning this village and its development may be obtained from Eric at eric@chorus.com.
What is the Blue Light District?
The Blue Light District is a village within Black Rock City that will be composed of several theme camps (or even themeless camps). Each camp is designed and organized independently of the village structure and has its own personality. However, each camp will contribute to the building of the village's unique identity. This will be done through village-based social events, such as building a communal kitchen, producing some events, and providing a central area that can be used for gatherings. Some of these events will also link the village to the rest of the city.
A theme camp is dedicated to its theme: its identity is this theme. A village encapsulates all the themes of the camps that compose it. The Blue Light District will provide social events that will create enough internal social life to create a feeling of belonging. The physical structure of the camp will also express a common identity. Camps will surround a central plaza called the Zoccalo. The Zoccalo will include a large blue mushroom (about 12 feet high) which will provide a shelter for the communal kitchen. About 50 smaller mushrooms (about 2 feet high) will be spread among the camps. These mushrooms will be symbols of collective unity.
Because of its small size, a theme camp is naturally open to the rest of the city. Theme camps are made to be shared. A larger scaled village incurs the risk of separating itself from the rest of the community-- this is something to avoid. The Blue Light District will be open to anybody and will participate in the life of Black Rock City. Some space in the village will be reserved for people who decide to join the village at any time. Social events will also be open to anyone.
The Blue Light District will provide services to its residents. Among these will be a communal kitchen, public lights, water, bicycles, and a public bulletin board in the Zocallo. Because of the nature of the land where Burning Man will be held this year, there are more risks from unwanted fire. The Blue Light District will be equipped with fire extinguishers.
Villages and Burning Man
All villages are invited to participate in our Burning Pageant on Sunday night. You may wish to create banners, costumes, a float (some object emblematic of your group identity to be wheeled, carried overhead, or otherwise transported in a procession to the Man). If you plan a village, please contact our Hotline or email us at themecamps@burningman.com. We will help you site your village and connect you to other village projects.
We also encourage you to open your village to other like-minded participants by posting your village on the Theme Camp or Village Bulletin Board.